We hope you are well and taking the necessary precautions during this time of uncertainty. Please remember to put your health first and take care of your family, colleagues and friends.
If you are already ill, or know someone who is, our thoughts are with you and we wish you a speedy recovery.
Fortunately, we are doing well as a family, and we can continue to take and produce your thesis binding orders - whether it's a thesis, master's thesis,... we print and bind every thesis on time. You can order here.
We are still here for you 24/7. On our website, by phone hotline: 019133345, and by email.
For in-person pickup, in addition to in-store pickup, we have a contactless option set up 24/7 (invoice for wire transfer included with package).
Again, please take care of yourselves, your family, friends and colleagues. We are sure that together we will overcome this situation and return to normal business.
Your team from Diplomarbeitsbindung
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